Sunday 24 April 2016

My cousins come over

This holiday, my cousins have to see us and have fun. While I am writing this, Cleo is annoyingly smashing my feet around. And now Bonnie and Cleo have stickers on their shirts. Here are some pics with descriptions! By the way, this is the day before next week, which is the second and, sadly, last week of the holidays.
[Above and below] Bonnie eating bread.
[All three below] Cleo being a brat and not having her photo taken.
 [All three below] Awesome me with my Real D-3D glasses I got from Kate Bell's grandmother's shop (I also got a coat). 
 [All three below] Cleo being good and getting her pic taken.

And now, what Bonnie and Cleo have to say to everyone:

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Studio Ghilbli relaxing music- from Cat Trumpet

(Click the video above and start falling asleep!)

Monday 18 April 2016


Hey peeps, Kyle here!
Today I attempted a typing speed test on a cool website called . On this website there are also a bunch of cool typing games like Ninja cat and zombie dinosaurs, in which you are a cat who kills zombie dinosaurs.
Here is the certificate I got for the typing speed test.
(click the image to enlarge)

HOORAY! This is my 160th post anniversary! I am very happy, because this was actually my first blog post anniversary to be in the holidays! Since the first day (Saturday), I have been playing in a very cool site called The reason I go on this site? I can play the old GAMEBOY COLOUR version of Pokemon! It is a lot of fun, and right now on Pokemon red I have about 10 Pokemon (which is still NOT ENOUGH, says Professor Oak), and on Pokemon Yellow I have 5 Pokemon. Guess which one I started first?
(hint: BLAH-BLAH)
P.S. The music is awesome.

And now, DUN DUN DUN DUN! It's time for the end.

Main Stars- 5 Random acts of kindness

Here are my random acts of kindness I have done:
1. Walked Peppy, my Nana's dog, all the way down a rocky terrain on the beach.
2. Grabbed Jan's wheelie bin off the road, because she put it there thinking it was Tuesday night.
3. Fed the chickens fish and chips, or as kiwis say it 'Fush n' Chups.
4. Gave Sam Scott (James' little brother) the Blob fish Alexander and I made.
5. Utterly DESTROYED Jimmy in Risk.
5. Bought some chocolate for Nana.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Sunday 10 April 2016

Yet ANOTHER stickman adventure: this one is called KAMEKAHA!!!!

Click HERE to watch it. If this doesn't work watch it below.

Main Stars- Complete jobs around the house

Becuase my baba (dad) was away for a month, I helped out in the house with a few things.
My mum told me I did not need to do a roster since there are always different things to do in the house every day.

This term I did these jobs:
Loading the dishwasher, UNloading the dishwasher, cooking breakfast, taking care of the chickens, collecting the eggs, hanging up the washing and taking down the washing.

Main Stars- Complete home learning for the rest of the term

Here is the proof that I finished all my maths online:

And here is the proof I finished literacy online:

Lastly, all my other home learning is in the recycling bin, and now perhaps it's a new piece of paper.

Friday 1 April 2016

My newest pivot animation is here!

Here is the link to my newest animation, but if it doesn't work watch it below. Remember to like, comment and subscribe to my channel!

PRESENTING..... my 1⃣ 5⃣ 0⃣ th blog post anniversary!

If you have been counting each blog post I do, a) that is strange and b) you would know that this is my 150th blog post. So this is the 150TH BLOG POST ANNIVERSARY! ☺☺☺☺☺☺
I am so glad to have done 150 posts. This is great! Here is a GIF I made to celebrate. The elephant



I hope you liked this post! This is also my FIRST PIVOT ANIMATION!